Between Dog and Wolf

Published by Dogwise Publishing
by Jessica Addams and Andrew Miller

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…intelligently written, good style, and based on an enlightened experience…This could be the best dog/wolf book ever written.”– Ray Coppinger, co-author of Dogs: A New Understanding of Canine Origin, Behavior and Evolution

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Everyone knows what a wolf looks like. Or do they? This book examines popular misconceptions about wolf physiology and behavior and gives animal professionals who work in wolf, wolf hybrid, or dog rescue a real, practical way to evaluate unfamiliar animals and determine their degree, if any, of wolf ancestry.

Countless animals who arrive at shelters and rescues are pre-emptively euthanized because they “look wolfy”, or because the surrendering individual claims the animals have “wolf ancestry”. Misconceptions and misinformation about wolves are rife in the animal industry, and fears of unpredictable, uncontrollable behavior predispose many shelter personnel against animals which resemble wolves. Because it is so difficult for the average person to properly evaluate these animals, many of them are immediately euthanized upon receipt or surrender to make room for more obviously “doggy” animals.

This book aims to reduce the margin of error in evaluation of wolflike animals, and thereby allow some animals who would otherwise have been euthanized the chance to prove their suitability as loving and loyal companions.

Topics include:

  • “Classical” wolf and dog behavior
  • Genetics of the wolf hybrid
  • Effects of hybridization on behavior and physiology
  • Biological and environmental effects on behavior
  • Common misconceptions and their sources
  • Practical hints for evaluation of incoming animals

Between Dog and Wolf: Understanding the Connection and the Confusion (original subtitle: A New Perspective on Wolf Hybrids) is designed for the animal rescue professional as well as for those who are simply interested in wolf x dog hybrids and the contrast between wolf and dog behavior.

“Well written, thoroughly researched and grounded in science, this book is a must-read for all shelter personnel, as well as anyone who wants a deeper insight into the often misunderstood animals known as wolfdogs.“- Nicole Wilde, author of Living with Wolfdogs and Wolfdogs A-Z


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